Engineering in Practice

Events and Activities


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 45th Annual General Meeting of the Civil Division will be held on Friday, 12 April 2024 at 6:30pm at Chan Yat Mei Sophie Room, the HKIE Headquarters, 9/F Island Beverley, No 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, for the following purposes:


  1. To receive and confirm the Minutes of the 44th AGM.


  1. To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Division for Session 2023/2024.


  1. To receive and adopt the Financial Statement of the Division for Session 2023/2024.


  1. To elect the Chairman and Ordinary Members of the Division Committee for Session 2024/2025.


  1. To elect the Council Member (Division) for Sessions 2024/2025 and 2025/2026.


In case of adjournment of the AGM, members of the Division shall check on the Institution’s website at and the Division’s website at of the revised venue, time and date for the adjourned AGM.


Following the AGM, we will have Technical Seminar with details below.


Date:               12 April 2024 (Friday)

Time :              (start after AGM) 7:15pm to 8pm

Speaker:                      Ir FONG Hok Shing, Michael, JP

 Director of Civil Engineering & Development also Comr. of Mines

Topic:              The Northern Metropolis and Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands



Ir Connie CHAN Ho Yee

Honorary Secretary

5 April 2024




Nominations for Division Chairman, Ordinary Members and Council Member (Division)


Division Chairman

The outgoing Division Committee has decided to nominate Ir Alex LI Chun Fai for election as the Chairman for Session 2024/2025.


No other nomination has been received from members by the nomination deadline.


Ordinary Members - under Clause 7.2(c) of the Division Rules

The outgoing Division Committee has decided to opt for the maximum of 14 Ordinary Members, and four Ordinary Members in the Committee shall retire by end of the Session, namely Ir Alex LI Chun Fai, Ir Connie CHAN Ho Yee, Ir Prof POON Chi Sun and Ir Johnson LEE Kwun Chung.


Following the retirement of the above Ordinary Members, there are four vacancies for the Ordinary Members.


The Division Committee has decided to nominate the following four candidates for election as the Ordinary Members for a three-year term: Ir Connie CHAN Ho Yee, Ir Prof POON Chi Sun, Ir Johnson LEE Kwun Chung and Ir Charles TSE Kwok Chau.


No other nomination has been received from members by the nomination deadline.


Council Member (Division)

The outgoing Division Committee has decided to nominate Ir Simon NG Pak Hung for election as Council Member (Division) for Sessions 2024/2025 and 2025/2026.


No other nomination has been received from members by the nomination deadline.


Enquiries: Ir Connie CHAN Ho Yee at 9371 0108 or email:


The Annual Report of the Civil Division for Session 2023/2024 is available in the link:

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